A Satellite of the Worldwide 'Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project'
created by Margaret & Christine Wertheim of
The Institute For Figuring, Los Angeles.

24 November 2010

Crochet workshop with special guest Aunty Dot Peters

We have some great events coming up! Don't forget to book.
Hyperbolic Crochet workshop with special guest Aunty Dot Peters. Beginners welcome. BYO hook.
Saturday 27th November  1pm -4 pm
$5 entry includes workshop & gallery entry. Contributors free.
Victoria's Marine Treasures with master storytellers from the Dolphin Research Institute.
Saturday 4th December  2pm -
$5 entry includes presentation & gallery entry. Contributors free.
and don't forget to book for
Margaret Wertheim LIVE !!
at The Age Theatre, Melbourne Museum
21 December 7pm - 9.30pm 
$18 Adult   $10 concession/contributors
Bookings Essential !!!  phone Burrinja on 9754 8723